RiotXArcane was a month-long online event that celebrated the launch of Riot Games first animated series Arcane, by bringing together all of its products into one narrative web GL experience. Visitors could complete missions, find easter eggs, play minigames and earn in-game rewards. Produced by North Kingdom.

My Role
Art lead for the 3d and 2d art assets. Initial concept art development and additional production sketches. 3d set dressing and additional asset modeling.
Credits (North Kingdom Team)
Client - Riot Games

Product Owner - Chris Coniglio
Executive Producer - Linda Karlsson
Creative Director - Jakob Nylund & Magnus Östergren
Experience Director - Magnus Östergren
UI Design - Paul Witherden
Art Lead - Kenny Lindström
3D Lead - Mathias Lindgren
UX Design - Adria Verdaguer
3d artist - Isabella Rigodt
Concept art - Kenny Lindström, Anton Stenvall, Envar
Keyart assets - Envar, Anton Stenvall

Producer - Tom Vailant
Development - Klas Kroon, Einar Öberg, Nick White, Miha Klasinc, Erik Eklund, etc.

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